International Contest in the National Festival of Civil Economy in Florence, second edition
We are glad to tell you about the experience of the SCoopConSS project within the National Festival of Civil Economy. The event, took place in Florence
We are glad to tell you about the experience of the SCoopConSS project within the National Festival of Civil Economy. The event, took place in Florence
We are proud to announce the winner of the Portuguese National Scoop! competition is E.S.P.E., an idea developed by 4 students from Escola Profissional de
We are proud to tell you about the experience of the SCoopConSS project within the National Festival of Civil Economy. The event, took place in
We are proud to announce that the winner of the Portuguese National Scoop! competition is SPONGELOVE, an idea developed by 6 students from Externato Oliveira
Last July 2021 in Colfiorito (Italy), within European Project “SCoopConSS”, the social enterprise “Strade VERDI” designed by Students at the High School “ITET Aldo Capitini”
On the 28th of June, the final event of the national phase of the SCoopConSS project (Social Cooperative Contest for Secondary Schools) took place virtually, given the current
May 2020
October 2020
January 2021
August 2021
December 2021
This project is
co-funded by the
European Union
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