IES Pedro de Tolosa

Address: Calle de los Estudios, 1, 28680 San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 918 61 01 45

IES Pedro de Tolosa is an English-French trilingual school located in the town of S. Martín de Valdeiglesias, in the extreme south-west of the Community of Madrid. This year, their students were highly motivated and wanted to set up their own company once they finish the VET cycle.


BoMaJa aims to tranform all public organisations in using renewable types of energy and that it is healthier for the environment through the manufacture, distribution, winding and repair of motors and transformers using renewable energies.

NEWS: Spain

We teach professors about cooperatives

European VET (vocational education and training) Education Week and International Entrepreneurship Week are marked by numerous courses and opportunities for acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Get involved in cooperative research!

To develop an innovative and inclusive methodology for the introduction and improvement of cooperative business education in secondary vocational schools in the Republic of Croatia,