
Social Cooperative Contest for Secondary Schools (SCoopConSS) piloted an innovative and engaging methodology to introduce and enhance cooperative business education in secondary schools, starting from topic-related teachers who then involved colleagues from other disciplines and students in the simulated establishment of a social cooperative focused on one or more of the 17 UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

SCoopConSS was implemented by a partnership of 7 organizations from five European Southern Countries: Croatia, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

The main objective of the SCoopConSS project (Social Cooperative Contest for Secondary Schools) is to build a Community of Practice for European secondary school teachers interested in boosting their teaching practice by using different entrepreneurial methods based on the cooperative principles of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.

 i) desk research and cross-checked analysis of successful practices in youth entrepreneurship training and education schemes.

ii) national and international coaching circles with business, marketing and administrative secondary school teachers for the participated design of a training programme aimed at enhancing their competences on cooperative business, cooperative and project based teaching methods, multidisciplinary and open schooling approaches (promote innovative teaching methods).

iIi) development, piloting and revision of a blended training course to support teachers in mentoring their students for the participation at the first edition of the EU Scoop! Contest, a Social Cooperative Simulation Contest to be scaled-up at EU level.

i) better understanding of existing trainings tools on teaching entrepreneurship. 
ii) modernization/adaptation of the existing curricula to create specific tools for social business teaching.
iii) implementation of a blended-training course on cooperative business. 
iv) teaching tools experimentation and students mentoring.

Project leaflet